Tuesday, May 29, 2007

We've Been Cited

My friend Monique (who is the co-owner of Serendipity with me) is writing her senior paper on blogs (I wrote mine on celebrities and why people idolize them. note to self: post a copy of my senior paper on here). Monique and I have lots of things in common: web design, going to Champlain next year, NCIS, Supernatural, and odd sources for our senior paper. I managed to cite two of the IMDb.com message boards in my senior paper: Jensen Ackles and Clay Aiken. Monique manage to cite...me. She talked about how blogs can be used to talk about favorite tv shows (I'm the perfect example of this). I haven't read her paper, but maybe when she's finished I can put a piece of it on here to prove that I've been cited in a school project, and senior paper is a large part of the senior English grade.

1 comment:

  1. I'll let you read it later.

    You need to blog about our awesome concert we are going to in August! :)
