Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Loremaster Update 01

Gnavie completed the achievement "Loremaster of Northrend" last night.

I also remembered my great disgust for Icecrown. So many group quests. I got my ass kicked several times and I had to pick carefully to avoid as many group quests as I could (because there were so few people willing to help).

Sunday, October 03, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010 Version and Loremaster

The NaNoWriMo website has been reset for 2010. The forums are new (but definitely not neglected, it's only been aday or two and already there are threads everywhere) and everything looks all shiny and pretty. It's almost NaNo time!!

I've decided to attempt the Loremaster achievement on Gnavie. She's completed two zones in Northrend and will work through the rest of Nothrend and all of Outlands before heading back to Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor to finish up the achievement. I will post updates on her progress as I go.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Doodlegazing in Azeroth

I've done a bunch of puttering around WoW today. I played a bit on the warlock I started on the PTR. I also tried to play a little on the copy of Aevelyn that I put on the PTR, but I kept getting booted off and having to relog. That got old pretty fast. I ran a random heroic on Gnavie and ran heroic Halls of Reflection. I really want the Shriveled Heart off hand that drops, but it hasn't dropped for me recently. It was a really smooth run though. I enjoyed healing it. I'd love to get Gnavie healing bigger things, like raids, but I get really nervous about my healing ability. I don't want to put her into an ICC (pretty much all that people run now for raids) and suck horribly. My gear score is also a problem. It's below 5k add on, and very few people will take me into raids with that. And getting badges two a day through randoms is going to take me forever to get any t10 pieces.