Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My Own 'What If' Question

This a prompt I thought up last night as a what if.

What if Major Carter went to Atlantis and Major Sheppard was the 2IC of SG-1 (under Colonel O'Neill)? How would things be different? The same?

The most obvious for me is I wouldn't have to choose whether to read SG-1 fanfiction or Atlantis fanfics. Major Sheppard is my favorite charater in Atlantis (the other characters are cool too). And Colonel O'Neill is my favorite character in SG-1. I think there would be problems with all of SG-1 being male. Sam is the majority of Stargate SG-1's girl power. Without her it would be all guys and SG-1 would have no scientist, except for Daniel, who couldn't help them with blowing up suns and building naquada reactors. I don't know how having Jack O'Neill and John Sheppard on one team would work. They're both good leaders. I think they're so alike in personality that they annoy each other. Major Sheppard kinda seems like Atlantis' Jack to me. Atlantis would have problems too. I think putting Sam Carter and Rodney McKay on the same land mass for along time, with them trying to compete with ideas and theories, they'd probably try to kill each and other would have to intervene. Plus, the dynamic between Weir and Carter would not be the same as the dynamic between Weir and Shepard is now. Just as the dynamic between O'Neill and Sheppard would be different than the dynamic between O'Neill and Carter is now. I like the dynamics as they are now. I don't know how I'd like the new ones. My decision is that Major/Lt. Col. Sheppard should stay on Atlantis and Major/Lt. Col. Carter should Sg-1. And they should bring back Jack! If they feel like doing an episode of either SG-1 or Atlantis with John Sheppard and Jack O'Neill on the same planet. And possibly even on screen together that be really cool, in my opinion. I did see Rising, but another one with both of them would probably make me melt into goo because they're both good-looking, funny characters/actors.

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