Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Clock Winked

I'm really getting into these prompts. I like to choose ones that strike me and get a story or idea going right when I see it. I don't like the ones with word limits (even though I don't really have to follow them). I like being able to write as much or as little as I like. And I don't really word count before I post.

Begin a story with the line, "The clock winked."

The clocked winked. Sounds like an odd thing to think, but at 3:27 in the morning it kinda works. Especially since I have to get up in less than three hours and be more than catatonic for my first day of senior year. Regardless of how weird it sounds, it's the best way to describe that phenomenon that occurs when you look at a digital clock just as the time flicks to the next minute.

So, what am I doing up at 3:27...well, 3:28 now, on the morning of my first day of senior year? Good question. I have no idea. I've been lying in bed since 10 p.m., when I decided I should call it a night. I'm nervous and excited, but I can usually sleep on the last night of summer break.

Maybe I slept too late this morning...afternoon, I am a teenager after all. Sleeping in late is a natural result of staying up until 4 in the morning yesterday working on my computer.

Have you ever had one of those nights where you're exhausted, but you can't get to sleep? You know, the night when you're lying in bed and you want nothing more than to get to sleep, but you can't so you just have to lie there and hope that sleep will take you eventually. And you get so frustrated that you're punching pillows and swearing because it's early morning and you're still just lying in your bed, under your blankets trying to turn your mind off and go to sleep. That's the kind of night I'm having. I'm all tucked in and my hair is brushed, as are my teeth, and I'm lying on my side staring at my digital alarm clock.


I would get up and pack my backpack or set out my clothes, just to be doing something, but I'm all packed and ready for All I have to do is fall asleep so I can wake up. Sounds easier than it is really.

I've made a significant step in falling asleep. I've rolled onto my other side, so I can't see my clock, and closed my eyes.

Not working yet. Roll over again. All the way. Ouch. I should remember to take my cell phone out of my pocket every night because rolling over onto it is not a pleasant experience.

4:12. What? No way! The last time I checked it was A little after 3:30. That must mean I got *some* sleep, right? That is the logical conclusion, is it not? Let's see, how much sleep did I get? 35, 45, 55, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. That's 37 minutes, I think. Great. I'm going to look awful tomorrow. Whoever decided that photo day should be the first day of the school year was nuts. I mean, it kinda makes sense because we all want to look nice on the first day of school and we do want our school IDs as soon as possible, but still, the first day of school? Ack.

How to read a clock at an early hour of the morning:
Step 1: Open eyes at least wide enough to see things clearly. Check, it's really dark in here. Wait! Maybe my eyes aren't open. Maybe they're closed, and that's why it's dark. Makes sense. This is a brilliant observation.
Step 2: Aim gaze at clock, watch, computer, or time-telling fixture of your choice. That doesn't really work when you haven't completed step 1 yet, but whatever.
Step 3: Read time-telling device of choice for the current time. That's nice. Again, not so helpful when the previous steps we're over looked, but that's okay...


What the hell! Who's backing up a truck?! And why? Oh wait. That's my alarm clock. Not cool.

"The time is 6:02 and it's beautiful morning outside."

What they don't say is that they're inside and it's only beautiful out if you lived in a colder, darker place before moving here. Like a cave in Antarctica. It's cold outside and and there are leaves all over the place.

"Get up!"

"I am up!" Hey! My first intelligent words of the morning.

My Mom comes out into the living room all dressed and ready for work. She looks way more awake than I am.

"You were sleeping like a log this morning?" She tells me.


"I was up at 5:30 getting ready. I could have moved a circus in outside your room and you wouldn't have noticed."

"I didn't get to sleep until after four." I yawn to prove it and pull myself out of bed. Now I'm really glad I have all my clothes and stuff laid out because I'm too tired to think.

"Well, have a good day at school."

"Thanks Mom. Have a good day at work."

I look over at my clock one last time before getting dressed, and the clock winks.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the humor in it, great, awsome, write more!!!!!!! I'm your story hungry?!
