Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Two Writing Prompts

I actually wanted to do some writing before I go to bed tonight, and while I work on my Version #2, so I found another prompt. I almost passed this one by, but I decided to go back to it. I like it. It makes you think.

Usually, envy is portrayed as a purely negative emotion. Do you believe it is possible to harness the power of envy as a positive motivator?

Yes I do. I think I use envy as a motivator to make myself a better person. I think a person can use envy to motivate themselves to do better or do something more interesting. Envy can be a negative emotion, but if used well and kept controlled it can easily be used as a tool. Envy pushes people to be better than others. How it is achieved is up to us. I figure I'll use envy as motivation to maintain good grades and push myself in the areas I wish to excel in.

*And another prompt because I feel like it and I didn't particularly like my answer to the first one.*

What cliche describes you?

If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, try again. Most definitely. I'll try at something for hours until either I get it or I seriously need one of five things: food, drink, a bathroom stop, sleep, or chocolate. This applies to everything except homework/schoolwork. I don't really spend any of my home time on that. The cliche most describes me when I find something new that interests me or strikes my interest. I can spend days working on a project on my computer or hours cleaning my room, if I feel like it.

*Despite the time stamp on this I'm finishing it at about 2:45am. So, I guess I'm gonna get some sleep.*

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