Thursday, June 28, 2007

What's My Problem??

Everyone has their problems, and I certainly have mine.

For starters, it's Thursday. And I know it's Thursday. I never know what day it is during the summer. But I know it's Thursday because I feel the need to go watch a repeat of Supernatural that I've probably already seen two or three times.

Another problem is my hair. I know that I need bangs because I have a large forehead, but they never stay in place. I deal though, and move on.

My biggest problem is getting a job. I know I need to get a job. I know I need the money and the experience. And yet I can't bring myself to fill out and submit an application to anywhere. I have excuses for all the places my parents sggest that I work. And it certainly helps that I'm super shy. That's going to make all jobs open to me way easy *eye roll*. My Mom asked me this morning if I wasn't fill out applications because I'm scared. I said "yes". I'd figured that out. I'm not scared to leave childhood behind. I'm a kid at heart and I'll find my ways to have fun as an adult. I'm scared of the real-world. I'm such an independant person. I'm scared to open myself up to the suckiness of the real-world. I hate how things are run and I know I can't do anything about it. On the Internet I get to make my own sites and run things. Oh yeah, and I hate stupid people. They annoy me. Not the people who ask a question that seems easy for me to answer, they're fine. I'm talking about the people who consistently act stupid and behave ridiculously for attention. Why, because that's my limelight they're stealing. Here I am, doing what I'm supposed to and then there's someone acting like a complete idiot. And I don't get to talk with those of authority because they're too busy dealing with the stupid person. *sigh*

EDIT (Aug. 15): I filled in and sent in a Best Buy application on July 21. I got no response. At this point in time I'm filling out a work-study contract for Champlain and trying to get the rest of my paperwork sent in so that I can go.

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