Friday, October 06, 2006

Creative Writing Group: What I Accomplished This Time

These were written on Thursday, before Supernatural.

Freewrite: In their eyes.

hmmm...This is different. I haven't done a freewrite in a while. I like my new "e"'s. They are kind of square. In their eyes. Okay, so the group next door is the Gay-Straight Alliance. The entire world makes sense now. I have to put my hair up now. Done. In their eyes. I love eyes. You can tell so much from a person's eyes. Some people have really expressive eyes. Have you noticed that a couple of shows use a difference in eyes to figure out who the bad guy is? That doesn't make much sense, but it's true. In the show Stargate SG-1 the bad guy's eyes glow yellow. And in Supernatural, which is on tonight woohoo!!, a telltale sign of a demon is completely jet black eyes. It's wild. And Big Bad, the worst demon of them all has bright yellow eyes.


Prompt: B vitamins are for stress.

"B? Why B?"

"B vitamins are known to reduce stress."

Why B? If they reduce stress why aren't they S vitamins?"

"There's no such thing as an S vitamin."

"Says who? You?"

"No, that's just how it is."

"But why B? There's no B in stress. Who thought these up anyway?"

"Not me. Just let it go."

No! B vitamins should reduce bloating and, and, birth rates, ya!, birth rates, that's it."

"But they don't. They help to reduce stress."

"I'm going to have B vitamins renamed S vitamins."

"That's just dumb."

"You're just jealous because you didn't think of it first. I'm going to be rich. Then I think I'll discover X vitamins. I'll be a gazzillionaire, living in a castle, taking my S vitamins for stress."


I LOVE SUPERNATURAL!! That had to be put in caps.

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