Saturday, December 27, 2008

X-Files Marathon Continues, Christmas and More

Christmas was great. We spent the morning opening gifts, then went over to visit our uncle and cousin in the afternoon. I got some pretty awesome toys this year. Of them: a web cam, a headset (for playing games, like WoW specifically), a set of speaker, a CD player/mp3 player audio system, a set of bowls that can cook in the oven (for making soup), and more.

My X-Files marathon is continuing. Below is a list of the episodes I have watched since the beginning of this marathon a week ago.

1.01 "Deep Throat"
1.02 "Squeeze"
1.03 "Conduit" - A very important episode in learning about the character of Mulder.
1.04 "The Jersey Devil"
1.05 "Shadows"
1.06 "Ghost in the Machine" - The machine taking over is an old concept, but this is done very well.
1.07 "Ice" - I truly enjoy this episode. All the suspicion is well-written and played.
1.08 "Space"
1.09 "Fallen Angel"
1.10 "Eve"
1.11 "Fire" - It's nice to see that Mulder has some fears and some information into his past.
1.12 "Beyond the Sea" - The main guest star in this episode is amazing and definitely carries the episode well.
1.13 "Gender Bender"
1.14 "Lazarus"
1.15 "Young at Heart" - Some cool back story for Mulder.
1.16 "E.B.E"
1.17 "Miracle Man"
1.18 "Shapes"
1.20 "Tooms"
1.21 "Born Again" - A good story, though not a great wrap up at the end.
1.22 "Roland" - Very cool story.
1.23 "The Erlenmeyer Flask"
2.01 "Little Green Men"
2.02 "The Host"
2.03 "Blood" - This episode is very creepy and cool. A great concept done well.
2.04 "Sleepless"
2.05 "Duane Barry" - Great episode. I liked the actor that played Duane Barry when he was in Supernatural and I liked him better in this.
2.06 "Ascension"
2.07 "3"
2.08 "One Breath"
2.09 "Firewalker"
2.10 "Red Museum"
2.11 "Excelsis Dei"
2.12 "Aubrey"
2.13 "Irresistible"
2.14 "Die Hand die verletzt"
2.15 "Fresh Bones"
2.16 "Colony" - This is a great Mulder episode.
2.17 "End Game"
2.18 "Fearful Symmetry"
2.19 "Død Kalm"
2.20 "Humbug" - "This episode is out there, even for the X-Files. But I kinda love it. It's radically different and original.
2.21 "The Calusari"
2.22 "F. Emasculata"
2.23 "Soft Light" - Awesome concept and execution. I love this episode.
2.24 "Our Town"
2.25 "Anasazi"
3.01 "The Blessing Way"
3.02 "Paper Clip"
3.03 "D.P.O." - This episode was just odd. The "hick" feel of the main character seemed a little bit over played. It was cool to see Jack Black in something serious.
3.04 "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose" - I love the way this show presents psychics. It's a funny, cynical view of psychics, but I love it. Of course, one of my other favorite shows is Psych, so I'm used to psychics being lots of fun.
3.05 "The List"
3.06 "2Shy" - Truly creepy and gross.
3.07 "The Walk"
3.08 "Oubliette" - I love the connection between Mulder and Lucy, the waitress, in this episode.
3.09 "Nisei"
3.10 "731"
3.11 "Revelations"
3.12 "War of the Coprophages" - I love love LOVE this episode. I absolutely HATE bugs, but this episode was brilliant. I love that most of the episode is Scully and Mulder calling each other and talking over the phone.
3.13 "Syzygy" - I truly enjoyed this episode. Mulder and Scully snarking at each other was funny and a completely different way of seeing their dynamic.
3.14 "Grotesque" - I didn't like the pacing of this episode. It was hard to understand and the plot was iffy.
3.15 "Piper Maru"
3.16 "Apocrypha"

Yes, I've been a busy little fangirl. Now that I've gone through and remarked on some of my favorite episodes, I'm realizing that my favorites are the Mulder ones. This really shouldn't be a surprise for me (that I like learning more about my favorite character, who happens to be a tall male who's funny and handsome), but for some reason it still is. Oh well.

I played a lot of WoW today. Like, a lot. Not as much as yesterday, but still a significant amount. I played with Erin and her boyfriend, so it was a social experience.

On another note, I think I'm getting sick. My cousin was sick and maybe that's how I got it, but I'v been coughing and just feeling generally ick.

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