Monday, December 15, 2008

My Non-NaNo Post of Recent Going Ons

I have a new desktop picture, and really, when do I not have a new desktop picture?

The picture used in this wallpaper is from Stargate Atlantis and the quote is from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I love the Doctor (very much), but I needed a new wallpaper. I actually still want another new one, but it's exam week and I don't have time to play around in Photoshop for fun (but I do have time to update my blog more than I have in the past month, good call me).

As said already, it's exam week. I have a debate tomorrow where I'll be debating whether or not we (human beings) have freewill or not. I'm debating that we do. My partner/opponent is debating that we don't have free will. We're supposed to use scientific evidence to support our claims, but there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that humans have free will. It's supports Steve position that there is no free will, decision making is a process in the brain that we don't have control over. Also, I hate debating and we have to do it in front of the class. I'm screwed.

After that it shouldn't be that bad though. I have two exams on Tuesday. In the first one I have to talk about a paper I'm writing and a work of art I'm making. In the other I have to present the flash web site I've been working on. I'm not worried about either of those. I'm doing pretty well on the paper (haven't actually started writing it, but I'm working on the artwork) and I've been spending a lot of time on the flash project. It will be way better than the other two flash projects I've done for the class. Wednesday I have my PERL exam. That one worries me. We (my group and I) have to give a presentation, not only to the class, but also to some people in charge of a website. Our big project for the year was to make a PERL application of some kind that could go on this web site. So the group will the best/most impressive application will actually go up on the site. Our's is a time management quiz. The user answers a bunch of questions and the quiz tells if the player is sucking at time management (always choosing homework over friends), doing okay with time management (school over friends/family) or if they are really good at time management (balancing family, friends, school, work, etc.). My PERL exam is at 8am, so I'm staying up all night and going to the exam, then going to bed after it's over. I'm going to take naps so that I'm rested, but if I actually go to bed, I won't be able to get up and ready and to campus on time. My exam on Thursday is for my Algebra class. I'm getting a 96.5 in the class, so I could tank the exam and still get a better grade in the class than some of my classmates.

On a completely different note, I bought season 3 of Bones over Thanksgiving Break (and watched all of it). I brought seasons 1 and 2 back to school with me, so I've been going through and watching episodes here and there when I have free time. I really love that show. Friday night I watched an episode that I'd seen many times, but I watched it with a commentary by Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz. It's was hilarious. They are so funny and adorable together in the show. I kinda want to rewatch all of Torchwood because I kind of miss the boy-kissing, but I left my external hard drive home with Erin, and since I watched the show for the first time in like HD, I'm too picky to wait for it to load and watch crappy quality online.

Over Thanksgiving Break Dad and Erin introduced me to World of Warcraft. It is a terribly addictive game, but I am managing to play it and still appear to classes and shower every day. My friends are worried that I'll become a shut in that never showers, but I feel really dirty when I don't shower, and that's not going to change and I'm already kind of shut in, so that's not going to change much. I do my best to not talk about all the creatures and zombies I've killed when I'm around them, but it really is an addicting game.

I have more to say, but I'm going to continue it in another post because my tags are too long when I add on the next two I need and I feel that I need all of them.

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