Friday, March 07, 2008

I'm Bored: Everyone Be Afraid

So, I'm at work and I'm bored, and I'm here, sitting at the Circulation desk for another three hours.

*time passes*

Okay, so now I've only got another hour and a half before I'm done with work and I can go watch tonight's new Stargate Atlantis. I really can't wait to see this episode, but I'm also a little worried about what I'm going to do with myself once I've watched it. Supernatural is done with new episodes until mid-to-late April, then it has like five or six new episodes and is done until season 4. On that note...YAY Supernatural's getting a season 4!!! W00T! This goes out to my friends who believed that it was going to get cancelled. Ha ha! You guys have to deal with another year of my obsession, at least one more year. . Psych is also done with new episodes, but I think they're going to continue to play repeats on USA. I don't really have to depend on that though, since I have both seasons on my laptop already.

I pity my friends a little. After tonight's episode of Stargate Atlantis they're going to have to deal with my withdrawl from all three of my favorite shows until the new episodes of Supernatural about a month and half away.

I'm getting very close to pulling out my laptop and making some icons. Actually, I'm going to do that right after I finish this post. I haven't written a post this long in a while. It's nice to just type whatever comes to mind.

Last week I submitted 6 icons to the JSheppStillness Icon Contest on LiveJournal ( One of them got a Mod's Choice award. I was really excited. I'll post the icons I made on here eventually, but they're already up on my LiveJournal ( I used the eight pictures that were given out for the contest and made 18 icons (I cropped like 47, but only 18 made it to a completely finished stage). Earlier this week I downloaded the new set of eight pictures from JSheppStillness for Challenge #2 and cropped out like 50 icons. Now I just have to mess with sharpness and color and play around with textures. I'll make as many as I can and then choose my favorite six to submit to the contest. I think that works out the best (at least for me).

Well, I guess that's all I've got for now. I'm gonna go make some pretty icons, and then squee over the pretty in Stargate Atlantis.

1 comment:

  1. You work in a library too? What a small world, I'm a computer geek in a library's computer lab ... it's great free books, lots of time to study and surf and write. But I'm still ready for Spring Break!
