Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I Miss WebTeam

I miss the freeformed learning of WebTeam. I never thought I'd be opposed to structured learning, but I am. I absolutely hate the following phrase: "And your going to learn about that in a later course." Grrr...NO! Why can't we learn the things we want to and be taught things in a logical order that doesn't require the teacher to say dumb shit like that. I'm taking a database class where we have done the theory behind databases and designing them and now we're starting our work in MySQL, but we're not going to get any teaching on how to make atabases work WITH a website. Like how to call information from a database with a website or for a website. To me it juyst makes sense to have that included in the course, but whatever. Also, if we don't take some design classes VERY, VERY soon, the internet is going to be populated with even more hideous, ugly websites. And they're going to be made by Web majors that are like "here's my website. It's standards complient, works on all web browsers and the code is gorgeous." And I'm going to be looking at these sites with my "WTF" face going "but it's ugly!!"

I think that's all I had to say. Night everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I understand entirely. I'm in graduate school right now and it seems like it's the same as undergraduate stuff, disjointed and disorganized! I did some database design a few years ago and it's a lot of fun. Then I took some Java and graphic design too. Sometimes it's better if you can just design your own courses and put them in the order that makes the most sense for you. I'm still waiting (sigh). UNLV M.Ed. (bigger sigh).

