Saturday, March 22, 2008

And So It Begins...

My first Script Frenzy post with substance.

First I'll start by putting in the notes I took while wathing Stargate Atlantis last night. Melissa and I watched "Rising," "38 Minutes," and "Suspicion" last night. We skipped " Hide and Seek" because that episode skips on my DVDs.

Jack: "In their...flying city?"
Daniel: "What?"
Jack: "Flying city."

John: "What's it feel like?
Ford: "Hurts like hell sir. (beat) Woohoo!"

Sumner: "Go to hell."
Wraith Queen: "Earth first."

"38 Minutes"
Rodney: "The cockpit is regrettably demolecularized at the moment."

John: "You took a blast from one of those stunners to the fae."

Ford: "Oh, you're just checking out the planet. That's cool. I got better things to do than cruise around the planet in a spaceship."

Bates: "I cant imagine it's be any worse than their homeworld."
McKay: "That could just be failure of imagination on your part."

Teyla: "It would be better if I went alone."
John: "You will be alone...with Lt. Ford."

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