Sunday, April 29, 2007

Untitled Writing Project Post #1

This is the start of a story that will hopefully be a long term project for me. Unfortunately I can't think of a title for it, so for now it's just my "Untitled Writing Project". Part 1/?.

Her long brown hair whipped around in the breeze, the blue-tinted sunglasses she wore protected her cool blue eyes from drying out. She spun around a few times relishing the feel of the air on her bikini clad body.

"You're doing it again." He spoke accusingly, shutting her bedroom door as he finished. She quickly moved and shut off her fan.

"I am not." She replied defensively.

"It's the middle of winter and you're twirling around your bedroom with the fan on wearing a bikini, shorts, and sunglasses." She gave him a dirty look.

"Why do you care?" She moved gracefully towards him, using up every ounce of "sexy" she possessed as she went. "You get to see me in a bikini...that's practically naked. It really heats up your winter." She smirked, moving a step away from him and twirling.

"It would...except everytime you do this you end up with a cold, and I don't get to kiss you for a week."

"I don't always end up sic --" She sneezed. "Shut up." She glowered. "You jinxed me. That's cheating."

"I didn't do anything. I just pointed out that it's winter, the middle of a big storm even, and you were barely even dressed...something I have no problems with."

"Sure." She replied sarcastically. "Give me a minute," she commented before entering her closet and closing the door behind her. Inside she turned on a small night light that illuminated the entire area of her closet. The closet wasn't overly small, but it was never meant to be a walk-in space. Cramped in between her semi-formal dresses and her black concert pants she changed into the closest outfit she could piece together: a pair of blue jeans and a hoodie sweatshirt. She'd had her fake beach time, but Jon was right, as always, it was way too cold to be in a bikini with the fan on.

Jon watched as the closet door opened and Mel walked out in jeans and a hoodie. "More comfortable?"

"Yeah," Mel answered honestly, "not as good a view though."

"I think I'll survive." He answered, moving forward and stealing a kiss.

"Mmm..." She mumbled as Jon pulled away. "I'll survive too. I like your hair today." She ran her fingers through his neatly spiked dirty blond hair.

"As opposed to hating it every other day?" Jon asked with a straight face.

Mel could see a glimmer of humor in his eyes. "Yes, as opposed to hating it every other day." She kissed him quickly and then sat on the bed. "Do you have a reason for being here or is it purely a social visit?"

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