Friday, April 27, 2007

This Week's Supernatural Friday Five

April 26, 2007

1. Imagine you've been told, for whatever reason, that you must rename Sam and Dean. What would you rename them?
My Dad suggests that we rename Sam and Dean, Dean and Sam. That would make for a confusing episode.
I can't chose. I love the names Dean and Sam, so I really can't imagine any different names for them. I think that Jensen and Jared do such a great job of embodying Dean and Sam. I can't Dean and Sam Winchester with any names except those.

2. What types/genres of novels can you see Dean and/or Sam reading?
I can see Dean reading horror for research and nitpicking. Sam commented on The DaVinci Code in the season one episode "Something Wicked" so I'm guessing that he probably likes logical books, puzzles, maybe mystery. I think it would be funny if Dean were a closet romance reader. Books that have a happy ending.

3. What was one twist in season two that you did not see coming?
John dying. I didn't expect it. I'd been telling my sister through the summer that they would him off because Dean wouldn't be able to handle it. Because it would change his character too much. And then they had to go and prove me wrong. Also, at the end of "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things" when Dean and Sam talked, and Dean cried. That kind of full-blown emotion was unexpected. Same for the end of "Everybody Loves A Clown," with the beating of the Impala. *cries* Poor Impala.

4. If Dean and/or Sam had an email address, what do you think the address would be?
Dean: Would Dean even have an e-mail address? He didn't know what MySpace was. Maybe Sam made him one:

5. The season two finale is quickly approaching. What one thing tops your Must-Not-Happen-To-The-Winchesters list, other than their death?
They cannot hug. The Winchesters hugging would ruin it. Then we, the fans, would have nothing to grip about and wish for. No Wincest. They cannot trade in the Impala. They definitely cannot wake up from a dream, and have the entire two seasons be a dream. They can't find a place and settle to a normal life. Also, Supernatural is not allowed to be recast. One thing I'd like to see for season three is Jensen's name first in the credits. Maybe they could switch off every two years. For two years Jared is first. For the next two Jensen is first. Not about the Winchesters, but I'd really hate it if Supernatural got opening credits, or started putting a commercial after the teaser.

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