Monday, April 30, 2007

Goals for Tomorrow

My goals for tomorrow, the busiest day of my week.
~Watch Supernatural with my friend Jenn before Girl Scouts.
~Write 1000-2000 more words on my Untitled Writing Project (It's no longer actually an untitled Writing Project. Now it's an untitled practice nanowrimo novel). I want to see if I can do 50,000 words in a month. I started on April 29, 2007 and I will finished on May 29, 2007. I'll put word counts up here when I remember to.
~Title my blog posts...all of them. It will make archiving and finding my posts easier, hopefully.

Current UWP Word Count 2017.
UWP Word Count Goal: At Least 50,000.
Words Left: At Least 47,983.

Another New Wallpaper

After my last post I hopped over to Photoshop and got busy finishing another desktop picture/wallpaper. The above image is the final result, and it now resides on my desktop. Which is why there is so much drool on my keyboard (just kidding...or am I?). I am very proud of it, which is why I am putting here. That and so that my friends Mo and Bails can check it out.

My Writing Inspirations

I've just been going through writing websites and thinking about what inspires me. There are a few things that seem to spark my creative juices.
~This blog. I usually come on here with nothing to say and write for like a half an hour. It's a big help now that I have Jensen Ackles/Dean Winchester in the background of this page, because he inspires me to write fanfiction (and drool).
~My shower. I have no idea why but I get story ideas in the shower all the time. Probably because I'm just in there thinking while I shower.
~Music. I'm not sure if it inspires me, but I hate writing without music.
~Candy. Or maybe that just keeps me awake to write.
~Ongoing, important homework assignments. I'm working on my senior paper right now in English. It's worth half my fourth quarter grade and I keep getting new ideas that keep me away from writing the stupid paper from hell.

That's all for now. Byes!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Untitled Writing Project Post #1

This is the start of a story that will hopefully be a long term project for me. Unfortunately I can't think of a title for it, so for now it's just my "Untitled Writing Project". Part 1/?.

Her long brown hair whipped around in the breeze, the blue-tinted sunglasses she wore protected her cool blue eyes from drying out. She spun around a few times relishing the feel of the air on her bikini clad body.

"You're doing it again." He spoke accusingly, shutting her bedroom door as he finished. She quickly moved and shut off her fan.

"I am not." She replied defensively.

"It's the middle of winter and you're twirling around your bedroom with the fan on wearing a bikini, shorts, and sunglasses." She gave him a dirty look.

"Why do you care?" She moved gracefully towards him, using up every ounce of "sexy" she possessed as she went. "You get to see me in a bikini...that's practically naked. It really heats up your winter." She smirked, moving a step away from him and twirling.

"It would...except everytime you do this you end up with a cold, and I don't get to kiss you for a week."

"I don't always end up sic --" She sneezed. "Shut up." She glowered. "You jinxed me. That's cheating."

"I didn't do anything. I just pointed out that it's winter, the middle of a big storm even, and you were barely even dressed...something I have no problems with."

"Sure." She replied sarcastically. "Give me a minute," she commented before entering her closet and closing the door behind her. Inside she turned on a small night light that illuminated the entire area of her closet. The closet wasn't overly small, but it was never meant to be a walk-in space. Cramped in between her semi-formal dresses and her black concert pants she changed into the closest outfit she could piece together: a pair of blue jeans and a hoodie sweatshirt. She'd had her fake beach time, but Jon was right, as always, it was way too cold to be in a bikini with the fan on.

Jon watched as the closet door opened and Mel walked out in jeans and a hoodie. "More comfortable?"

"Yeah," Mel answered honestly, "not as good a view though."

"I think I'll survive." He answered, moving forward and stealing a kiss.

"Mmm..." She mumbled as Jon pulled away. "I'll survive too. I like your hair today." She ran her fingers through his neatly spiked dirty blond hair.

"As opposed to hating it every other day?" Jon asked with a straight face.

Mel could see a glimmer of humor in his eyes. "Yes, as opposed to hating it every other day." She kissed him quickly and then sat on the bed. "Do you have a reason for being here or is it purely a social visit?"

Friday, April 27, 2007

This Week's Supernatural Friday Five

April 26, 2007

1. Imagine you've been told, for whatever reason, that you must rename Sam and Dean. What would you rename them?
My Dad suggests that we rename Sam and Dean, Dean and Sam. That would make for a confusing episode.
I can't chose. I love the names Dean and Sam, so I really can't imagine any different names for them. I think that Jensen and Jared do such a great job of embodying Dean and Sam. I can't Dean and Sam Winchester with any names except those.

2. What types/genres of novels can you see Dean and/or Sam reading?
I can see Dean reading horror for research and nitpicking. Sam commented on The DaVinci Code in the season one episode "Something Wicked" so I'm guessing that he probably likes logical books, puzzles, maybe mystery. I think it would be funny if Dean were a closet romance reader. Books that have a happy ending.

3. What was one twist in season two that you did not see coming?
John dying. I didn't expect it. I'd been telling my sister through the summer that they would him off because Dean wouldn't be able to handle it. Because it would change his character too much. And then they had to go and prove me wrong. Also, at the end of "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things" when Dean and Sam talked, and Dean cried. That kind of full-blown emotion was unexpected. Same for the end of "Everybody Loves A Clown," with the beating of the Impala. *cries* Poor Impala.

4. If Dean and/or Sam had an email address, what do you think the address would be?
Dean: Would Dean even have an e-mail address? He didn't know what MySpace was. Maybe Sam made him one:

5. The season two finale is quickly approaching. What one thing tops your Must-Not-Happen-To-The-Winchesters list, other than their death?
They cannot hug. The Winchesters hugging would ruin it. Then we, the fans, would have nothing to grip about and wish for. No Wincest. They cannot trade in the Impala. They definitely cannot wake up from a dream, and have the entire two seasons be a dream. They can't find a place and settle to a normal life. Also, Supernatural is not allowed to be recast. One thing I'd like to see for season three is Jensen's name first in the credits. Maybe they could switch off every two years. For two years Jared is first. For the next two Jensen is first. Not about the Winchesters, but I'd really hate it if Supernatural got opening credits, or started putting a commercial after the teaser.

Monday, April 23, 2007

"Hollywood Babylon" Rantings and Miscellaneous Rantings

Thursday was a new episode of Supernatural. Episode 2.18 titled "Hollywood Babylon." I'm not going to write a long review because it's late, but I have some things to comment on and visual aids.

But first it seems that someone at Screencap Paradise got bored and updated the Supernatural screencaps all the way up through "Hollywood Babylon." The caps are large and good quality.They make me happy. And it seems like a place I'll be visiting in the future.

Onward. "Hollywood Babylon" was not my favorite episode by a long shot. However, I didn't hate it. I am totally ready for a serious stand-alone episode. Like the episodes in season one. I would an episode that is a hunt that doesn't relate in anyway to the main mytharch or the BIG DAMN SECRET or anything. Just a hunt, that is serious. I like the funny episodes, but I love the serious stand-alones like "Faith," and "Nightshifter" (though "Nightshifter" wasn't totally apart from the mytharc. It still rocked).

The Gilmore Girls reference wasn't over played. I like that. It could've easily been overdone and stretched out. And Jared's look when they the tour person was speaking about it was priceless.

I like that Dean wanted to have a vacation, and the line Jared says about the weather --"It's almost Canadian"-- had me in hysterics.

Onto a dislike paragraph. Dean eating. In "Tall Tales" it was funny. However, I no longer feel the need to see Dean eating in every scene. Poor Jensen having to eat in every take of every scene, that must get annoying for him.

In this episode I like that Dean is a serious fanboy. And that he seems to have more obscure movie/tv trivia knowledge than I do. The parts he was listing for the man that was hired to die on set were very obscure, like 'Desert Soldier #4'. It takes skill to recognize an actor from a role like that.

Now, some pictures. Both of the folling pictures are from the advertisement for the movie "Hell Hazers 2: The Reckoning".

I like this picture because if you open it up and look at the part under where it says "This Film Not Yet Rated," it continues to say "Also, not yet written, cast, shot, edited or scored". This kind of hidden humor is one of the reasons why I love Supernatural. It's like the FBI badges from "Nightshifter" that read "Han Solo" and "Jack Ryan" (both characters played by Harrison Ford).

This picture is from the very end of the commercial. It's not as funny as the previous one. I think it's cute that the web address is not real. But that's probably so that they didn't have to buy another web domain. The WB (or CW, or whatever) owns the domain "". I enjoyed that they used McG (his name at least) for this episode.

I have to comment on this camera shot. Are you prepared? OHMYGOD!!!!!!!!!! I love this angle. For one, it makes him look tall. Which is cool because he is tall. And for two, it's like a total hero moment, and I love those.

I want to conclude by doing a little thing about the very end of the episode. My favorite scene of the whole episode (except for the rock salt and the shotguns and Dean shooting at the spirits that the writer is pointing to, but he can't see). The scene at the end where we follow Sam out of the set and onto the lot. We see Tara's trailer rocking and as Sam walks around the door opens and Dean comes out, pulling on his over shirt as he walks. And then we see Tara at the door of the trailer in a bathroom. My sister's reaction to this was "Wow, he dresses fast." To anyone old enough to have learned about the birds and the bees it's easy to figure out what they were doing. However, I am sweet and innocent so I've put together a short list of things they were doing in the trailer:
Dancing (I dance in bathrobes with hot guys all the time, and a guy couldn't possibly dance with that many layers on).
Sparring (She's wearing sparring clothes under the bathrobe).
Hot Tubbing (She's wearing a bathing suit. And Dean wore his boxers in there. Because all trailers have hot tubs...obviously).


I'd like to compile some picspam dealies on here. I want to do one with hero moments of Supernatural mostly Dean because I remember his, but probably some Sam too. And an angst picspam (again mostly Dean). Also, a hurt/comfort picspam. I want to put in my comments about each of the pictures as well. I love going through picspams where the author (compiler??) has put in comments like *finds bucket* or *licks screen*.

I'm pretty sure that's it. This post was brought to you by LifelessGeekInc. and the song "Stumble" by Natasha Bedingfield.

Note: I changed the background picture just a little. I made it the tiniest bit smaller because some of the text was ending up in the white part of the picture. It was fine for most browsers, but in Internet Explorer the background scrolls with the page and the test was stuck in that white spot. It was unreadable. So I worked on the pic and made it smaller so that it no longer enroaches on the text space (as much). I like it better this way. It looks like he's looking at my posts as I scroll through. And now, I obviously need some sleep.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Why Yes, I Do Have A Future...I Just Have To Finish High School First

On Saturday (April 21), my Mom, my younger sister, her best friend and I drove to Burlington, Vermont. We went for the Champlain College Accepted Students Day. I was accepted to Champlain in February and I have had severe senioritis since then. I no longer have the will power to write essays or complete simple physics assignments. And now that I've visited the college for a second time and heard about my chosen major (Web Site Development and Management) in depth, I'm pretty sure that my senioritis is going to get even worse. I had so much fun this weekend visiting Champlain though. We were at the campus from 10am until 3 or 3:30pm. I went into an hour-long overview of the Web Site Development and Management major. It was very informational and made me even more excited. After that I helped my Mom find the financial aid office and on the way I ran into one of my friends. He's in high school with me right now, and I knew he'd been accepted at Champlain, but I wasn't expecting to run into him. Then we ate lunch in the Gymnasium with the other accepted students. I met some very nice people that will be joining me next year. We visited Church Street in Burlington and then went back to the campus because I had left my camera in the car when we'd been there at first. So I ran around the campus and took pictures of the buildings to share with my Dad (he couldn't go with us because he had to work). And of course I had to have a picture of Jensen Hall. For no reason other than its name. It's on my list of dorm houses to live in, and supposedly it's haunted, which I think is awesome. I'm going to send one of my Jensen Hall pictures to Anteka (of Plastic!Winchester Theater fame) for her Rock Music Plays list. I didn't have a button with me, but it's still Jensen Hall.

Once we were done at the campus we headed to our hotel, a Comfort Inn just down the road. We hung out in the pool and in our room, and then went to Friendly's for dinner. During dinner our long day caught up with all four of us and we ended up in hysterics. We spent the entire meal laughing hysterically, and scaring the other customers. When we got back to the hotel we hopped back into our bathing suits and went for another swim in the pool and some relaxing in the hot tub. We spent the night in the hotel and woke up the next morning at 8:30am for breakfast. After breakfast we had planned to head to the pool once more, but instead ended up going back to our room and relaxing for an hour. My Mom and I watched the television while my sister and her friend slept. We checked out just minutes before eleven --our checkout time-- and started the long journey back to Maine.

I think I'm going to really like Champlain and Burlington because as we were leaving I thought I was going to cry. Instead I picked up my book and finished it to keep my mind off of my sadness. I've never felt like that before. It was weird, but I hope it means that I'll be happy in Burlington this fall and the next four years.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Got Nothin' Redesign

Everybody loves a good set of before and after pictures, so here are mine. The first picture (the one on the top) is the template I chose when I started this redesign an hour ago. It's the Harbor template. I chose it because it has the navigation bar on the left side and the posts on the right. That's the only reason I chose it. If you click on the picture on the top you can look at the template before I tweaked it. It has the same exact text and display picture and everything as the "after" picture. The picture on the bottom is the layout I'm now currently sporting. It's the "Dean Winchester" layout. I changed the pictures, the text colors, the fonts, the dividers. Basically everything. The picture on the left of this screen (underneath the nav bar) is Dean Winchester of Supernatural (portrayed by Jensen Ackles). I took the picture from and made it grayscale in Photoshop. I also gradiented the edges so that it blended in with the black, rather than being just square with defined edges. If you open up the picture on the bottom you will see this layout. I just felt like taking a screen cap of it, so that the two could be easily compared. They should even be the same size pictures.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

American Idol & Sanjaya

I did not watch American Idol tonight. I was watching Crossing Jordan. I did look up the results online though. And then I ran around the room screaming and cheering in excitement. Thank god Sanjaya is gone. I don't follow American Idol, but I've been annoyed that he made it so far. I don't think he has a terrible voice, but I don't thinks he's top ten material. I really didn't want him to win because American Idol is about finding the best and if he won it would ruin the show's reputation. I think he only survived this far into the competition because the public realized that once it got to the "America Votes" stage we could pick who ever we wanted to win, and as long as enough people voted for that person they would win. Because even if they weren't the best the judges can't overrule the votes.

As much as I am glad to see Sanjaya gone, I would like to praise him for staying in as long as he did. He's my age and he got to the final 7. That's an accomplishment. Congratulations!

Previous Supernatural Friday Fives

February 9, 2007

1. We know Kripke & Co mean to put symbolism and other literary devices into the episodes, but do you think fans delve into the meaning behind things too much sometimes? or not enough?
I love how much the fans delve into the hidden meanings. I love that Kripke & Co have given Supernatural deeper meanings. I'm glad that there are fans out there that look at everything through a lens of there being something deeper there. It's good because the first few times I watch an episode all I get out of it is "God, they're so hot!!!!"

2. Do you think Kripke/Jensen/Jared know about Wincest? And if so, what do you think they think of it?
I think Kripke knows everything. He's to keep up with what's happening on the internet with us crazy fans. I don't know if Jensen and Jared know.

3. In ELAC, Sam mentions how he's not interested in going back to school anymore - he's solely focused on the hunt. Whether or not he meant it back then, if and when Sam and Dean get out of this demonic moshpit, do you think Sam will still want to go back to school?
I don't see how Sam (or Dean)would be able to function in a normal, real world situation. With everything they know about demons and what's really out there. I couldn't see being lawyer working for Sam. He wants to help people and law is a bunch of waiting and red tape.

4. Gordon mentions in Hunted that demons were talking about war. How do you think this upcoming war will work? Will it be private, between just hunters and demons, or will the rest of humanity be involved too?
Demons seem to go big. With all the deaths they cause in the show I can't believe people haven't figured it out already, at least nobody Dean and Sam have run into. I think humanity would be involved. If I were a demon I would use innocent people to get at the hunters.

5. We see Jo again in Born Under A Bad Sign. Do you like her better, worse, or about the same from when we left her in 'No Exit'?
I liked her better. She seemed a little bit stronger away from the Roadhouse.


February 16, 2007

1. Wendigos or freaky-females-in-white-clothing?
Freaky-females-in-white-clothing. They're more human looking, therefore more scary when they attack you. It isn't expected that a hot girl in a white dress is going to kill you.

2. Prank wars or towel scenes?
I love Supernatural because I don't have to choose. That scene in "Hell House" where Sam's wearing a towel and Dean's putting itching powder in his underwear. That was the best of both worlds. Except Jensen wasn't wearing a towel, so let's get more of that.

3. latin-speaking!Dean or latin-speaking!Sam?
Definitely Latin-Speaking!Dean. I have no idea why. Maybe because I love his voice anyway.

4. FBI uniforms or suits + tie?
Don't the FBI wear suits and ties. What's the difference? I guess FBI uniform because that sweet ID badge flip move from "Nightshifter" rocked my socks (and I love that they're badges say 'Han Solo' and 'Jack Ryan').

5. Rock salt or holy water?
Rock salt. I can hide salt in my wallet. That would be hard with holy water.


February 23, 2007

1. What's the quality you admire the most about the Winchester boys?
They're not looking for thanks or recognition. I mean they'd like it if someone said "hey thanks for saving me", but they save people because they have information that other people don't. They save people because it's right, and because they can. Not because they want to be heroes or celebrities in the public eye.

2. Pick a character you would think about naming your kid/pet/etc after.Metallicar. I would name my car Metallicar. Then I disgrace the name by listening to Kelly Clarkson and Evanescence and they Fray.

3. We can see that Sam and Dean (perhaps on the surface) are presented to have rather contrasting attitudes. Do you think the brothers got along well as kids, or would their personalities have been too different for them to get along?
I think they got along well. It seems like Dean was more of a mother than a brother when they were kids. I bet they fought about their Dad. Dean listened, Sam didn't. That probably caused troubles.

4. In Season 1, the episode titles were usually one or two words, and the majority had a very obvious link to the episode. In Season 2 though, titles are becoming more phrase-like, and perhaps more mysterious-sounding. Why do you think there is this shift over the two seasons?
It's a test. You're a true fan if you can name all the episode titles including the ridiculously long ones like "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Man's Blood". Just kidding. I think they make sense. They're a hassle for web pages, because they take up multiple lines on nav bars. I had heard that the episodes were all song titles, but I never checked it.

5. How do you feel about the Season 2 episodes starting to "recycle" the old, already-used monster-of-the-week from Season 1?
I really want to see some new monsters. No more zombies and vampires. I liked the trickster. I'd love to see a serious stand alone episode though.