Thursday was a new episode of Supernatural. Episode 2.18 titled "Hollywood Babylon." I'm not going to write a long review because it's late, but I have some things to comment on and visual aids.
But first it seems that someone at Screencap Paradise got bored and updated the Supernatural screencaps all the way up through "Hollywood Babylon." The caps are large and good quality.They make me happy. And it seems like a place I'll be visiting in the future.
Onward. "Hollywood Babylon" was not my favorite episode by a long shot. However, I didn't hate it. I am totally ready for a serious stand-alone episode. Like the episodes in season one. I would an episode that is a hunt that doesn't relate in anyway to the main mytharch or the BIG DAMN SECRET or anything. Just a hunt, that is serious. I like the funny episodes, but I love the serious stand-alones like "Faith," and "Nightshifter" (though "Nightshifter" wasn't totally apart from the mytharc. It still rocked).
The Gilmore Girls reference wasn't over played. I like that. It could've easily been overdone and stretched out. And Jared's look when they the tour person was speaking about it was priceless.
I like that Dean wanted to have a vacation, and the line Jared says about the weather --"It's almost Canadian"-- had me in hysterics.
Onto a dislike paragraph. Dean eating. In "Tall Tales" it was funny. However, I no longer feel the need to see Dean eating in every scene. Poor Jensen having to eat in every take of every scene, that must get annoying for him.
In this episode I like that Dean is a serious fanboy. And that he seems to have more obscure movie/tv trivia knowledge than I do. The parts he was listing for the man that was hired to die on set were very obscure, like 'Desert Soldier #4'. It takes skill to recognize an actor from a role like that.
Now, some pictures. Both of the folling pictures are from the advertisement for the movie "Hell Hazers 2: The Reckoning".
I like this picture because if you open it up and look at the part under where it says "This Film Not Yet Rated," it continues to say "Also, not yet written, cast, shot, edited or scored". This kind of hidden humor is one of the reasons why I love Supernatural. It's like the FBI badges from "Nightshifter" that read "Han Solo" and "Jack Ryan" (both characters played by Harrison Ford).
This picture is from the very end of the commercial. It's not as funny as the previous one. I think it's cute that the web address is not real. But that's probably so that they didn't have to buy another web domain. The WB (or CW, or whatever) owns the domain "". I enjoyed that they used McG (his name at least) for this episode.
I have to comment on this camera shot. Are you prepared? OHMYGOD!!!!!!!!!! I love this angle. For one, it makes him look tall. Which is cool because he is tall. And for two, it's like a total hero moment, and I love those.
I want to conclude by doing a little thing about the very end of the episode. My favorite scene of the whole episode (except for the rock salt and the shotguns and Dean shooting at the spirits that the writer is pointing to, but he can't see). The scene at the end where we follow Sam out of the set and onto the lot. We see Tara's trailer rocking and as Sam walks around the door opens and Dean comes out, pulling on his over shirt as he walks. And then we see Tara at the door of the trailer in a bathroom. My sister's reaction to this was "Wow, he dresses fast." To anyone old enough to have learned about the birds and the bees it's easy to figure out what they were doing. However, I am sweet and innocent so I've put together a short list of things they were doing in the trailer:
Dancing (I dance in bathrobes with hot guys all the time, and a guy couldn't possibly dance with that many layers on).
Sparring (She's wearing sparring clothes under the bathrobe).
Hot Tubbing (She's wearing a bathing suit. And Dean wore his boxers in there. Because all trailers have hot tubs...obviously).
I'd like to compile some picspam dealies on here. I want to do one with hero moments of Supernatural mostly Dean because I remember his, but probably some Sam too. And an angst picspam (again mostly Dean). Also, a hurt/comfort picspam. I want to put in my comments about each of the pictures as well. I love going through picspams where the author (compiler??) has put in comments like *finds bucket* or *licks screen*.
I'm pretty sure that's it. This post was brought to you by LifelessGeekInc. and the song "Stumble" by Natasha Bedingfield.
Note: I changed the background picture just a little. I made it the tiniest bit smaller because some of the text was ending up in the white part of the picture. It was fine for most browsers, but in Internet Explorer the background scrolls with the page and the test was stuck in that white spot. It was unreadable. So I worked on the pic and made it smaller so that it no longer enroaches on the text space (as much). I like it better this way. It looks like he's looking at my posts as I scroll through. And now, I obviously need some sleep.