Monday, September 03, 2007

College is Made of Win and Awesome

Tomorrow is my first day of classes. Which means that today is my last day of freedom. And I'm gonna start this school year off with a bang, because I have three classes tomorrow. They're all in the after noon though, so thats good. And the last one is Intro to Web Buisiness, which I have with Monique.

Bailey: If you read this. I love you!!!!!!! And I miss you. I'll try to chat with you, or call before Wednesday.

Life is so exciting here. Right now. I'm doing laundry. I like that the laundry room is in the basement with no dorm rooms because it means I can set up my laptop and throw a personal dance party down here. And nobody will think I'm wierd unless they come down to checkwhat all the noise is about.

Erin (and Mom and Dad): I'm not sure what my plans for tonight are, but I'll try to call and chat. I love you guys.

My laundry is almost done and I'm about to play Cotton-Eye Joe on my laptop and dance. I love everyone.

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