Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Cataclysm Resolutions

Am I definitely the nerdiest nerd any where if I decide to make a resolution on Cataclysm Day? I have rediscovered the Wii Fit. With Cataclysm coming out today (and being available for play in two hours here in Maine), I want to promise to play the Wii Fit at least half an hour a night. I am not an unhealthy, actually I'm still firmly in the healthy weight and BMI spaces. But I would like to be a bit more fit. I'm talking about having the ability to move around a lot without getting winded. Right now my only source of exercise is my job. Dunkin Donuts doesn't really seem like a place where you'd get a lot of exercise, but that's because customers seem to think thta all we do when they're not around is drink coffee and eat donuts. I spend my whole shift running back and forth between front and drive thru, cleaning machines, lifting ice coffee reservoirs and more. But I would like to play Wii Fit half an hour a night to make up for the several hours I spend in my computer chair doing homework and playing WoW. My goal is to lose some weight and lower my BMI and also tone my body up a bit.

That is all for now. I have to go to bed so that I can maybe play a little WoW before work tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

4.0.3a Impressions Part One: Mostly the Alliance Part.

4.0.3a Impressions Part One: Mostly the Alliance Part.

NOTE. This post is full of spoilers for the World of Warcraft Shattering. If you don't want to know about the Shattering, or how I feel about the changes, then you probably shouldn't read this. Also, I'm writing this in my NaNoWriMo document and counting it as part of my NaNo word count, so this post is long and in some places uses a lot of words where less could have easily said the same thing. But that's part of the fun of NaNo, and it was very cathartic for me to be able to write all this out. Also, as I am writing this in my NaNo file it's sure to be full of spelling and grammatical errors. I'll probably catch some of them as I skim through it in the future, but I tend to skip entire words when I get typing fast, so there may be sentences that appear to be missing words.

STORMWIND. Stormwind is beautiful. It looks like it's been hit pretty bad, but the people inside have adapted to the change and rebuilt. I love the area north of the Dwarven District. Olivia's Lake is beautiful and little Olivia is cute as well. The houses, farms and fields there are very cool, and that little house with a clearing in front is a lovely place to put the druid trainer with the demolition of The Park. The fountains around town are lovely, but there are so very many of them. It's like everytime they had some free space they decided to throw in a fountain. "Hey we've got some space here, what do we do?" "Put in a fountain." "Nah, man. That's getting old. We have far too many fountains as it is." "Alright, then put in a half fountain with a lion's head coming out of that wall there." "That's awesome. Great idea."

Adding the fishing and cooking dailies to Stormwind was a great way to really cement Stormwind as the new Alliance hub. There are certainly people that prefer other cities better, but Stormwind has the access to Northrend, Outlands, Kalimdor (maybe because I haven't explored enough to really know what they did to Auberdine/Darkshore), and the tram to Ironforge, as well as trainers for all classes and professions (I didn't check on Jewelcrafting though). With Stormwind as the new hub, I do expect it to be a bit more laggy than usual, but hanging around there tonight around 6pm server wasn't really any laggier than usual. Which is very nice. I love the addiction of a second bank and auction house in the Dwarven District. That will definitely be helpful for people who do have lag problems in Stormwind, as they will be able to head there instead of trying to get anything done in the Trade District.

The Hero's Call Board is also a cool addition to the Stormwind Trade District. I'll have to do the quests and check the board again to see if they are one time quests or low level dailies. The two quests that I got tonight on Hiromimmi looked to me like they were specifically to get low-level characters re-exploring some of the regions that have been hit hard with the Shattering.

Overall, Stormwind is looking to be a pretty great Alliance hub. The lag is bearable (and today was patch day. Patch day lag is always the worst), though time may prove me wrong on that and the city is close enough to it's former layout that people who have been playing for a long time can still get around. It's really nice to see so many people hanging around Stormwind, fishing and generally going about their business. It really sunk in when I saw people posting in Trade Chat offering services such as Jewelcrafting and Enchanting to the public in Stormwind instead of Dalaran. My only regret is that fishing up the coins in the Dal fountain is almost going to be creepy with no other people around the city.

DALARAN. While I've started on Dal, I may as well continue. I love Dalaran. It's small, neat, beautiful and I know my way around it. I'm going to miss it. It was nice to have a place where both Horde and Alliance characters hung out. It made the world really feel whole. In the major Alliance cities you only see Alliance characters. In Dalaran, you'd get to see Horde characters as well. Enemy faction or not, they are the other half of the same world, and it was cool that Dalaran (and Shattrath before it) provided a place where the two factions could interact with (mostly) the same NPCs and go about their business in peace. The fact that the city had a sanctuary for each faction was nice as well, because it pushed the idea that while the two races got along in the city they were still enemies and don't get along outside of the city.

I speak about Dal so fondly because I didn't play before Wrath of the Lich King, and I never saw Shattrath in it's glory days. Dal provided fishing, cooking, and other profession dailies, as well as the test of trying to fish in the fountain. Fishing in the fountain was etiher a test of luck, trying to get all the coins, or a test of patience, trying to fish while some idiot on a mammoth tromped all over the fountain and blocked your bobber. It was also the main place to spam trade for people for lvl 80 raids. I feel that in the coming weeks Warlocks (and people willing to meet at the stone and summon) will be more needed and loved. IceCrown Citadel is a bit farther from Stormwind than it is from Dalaran.

Also, I need to continue to run my warlock around Dalarsn to find the last couple of those Higher Learning books. The transporting book that comes from the achievement isn't very excxiting now, but I still want that cute little voidwalker pet for my warlock, because come on! She's a warlock. And I already have it on my DK and my druid, of course.

DUNGEONS. My dungeoning experience since the patch is pretty slim. It's only been a day. But I did run Gnomeregan a couple times and Scarlet Monastery: Graveyard a couple times. I love that quests have been moved inside the dungeons now. It's much easier than sharing quests and trying to make it to a zone you're not questing in to turn in it. The Gnomeregan quest chain took me two runs to complete, but that's only because I missed the Face turn in, and had to run back and turn in his quest after we killed the final boss. So I didn't complete the boss killing quest until the next run. The Scarlet Monastery: Graveyard quest also took me two runs: one to complete it and one to turn it in at the beginning. It's nice that the quest rewards are still pretty awesome. The gear looks pretty good, the money is nice (at level 30 I got a little over 1 gold), and the experience is awesome (Over five thousand experience at level 30).

I also like that the bosses have been buffed. They have more health than I remember them having, which was good when the rogue in one of the Gnomer groups stealthed off presumably to try and solo the boss. If the bosses in all dungeons really have been buffed, then soloing low level dugeons is going to be harder than before at level 80, though maybe it will be back to the same at level 85.

GNOME STARTING AREA. New Tinker Town is very cute. It's nice that the gnomes (and trolls) are finally getting a place of their own. Gnomes start inside the same building where the Gnomeregan instance is. The quests are pretty close together and very easy to follow. When one chain ends a new quest can be seen on the minimap. The quests level you quickly. I think I got to level 4 withing 20-30 minutes. And they quickly take the new character from New Tinker Town and out further into Dun Morough to fight against "red" creatures (creatures that will attack the character). As much as having starting zones have all "yellow" creatures is easy and a nice way to introduce new players to the game, it makes leveling slower (because you can chose not to attack all the creatures around you) and it really doesn't fight in with the idea that someone in town needs you to go attack them because they are super dangerous.

Gnomish buildings.

I like the New Tinker Town's look. It's very much Gnomish. It's all Gnome buildings, like the one's seen at the airstrip in Borean Tundra, and spare parts lying around. And the NPCs around town are creating crazy devices (some of which make you explode), and watching holoscreens. In one of the first quests as a new gnome, you are asked to "rescue" the survivors by beaming them out. So you get to run around the area and cast the beaming technology on the survivors of Operation: Gnomeregan.

Me and my robot for one of the early Gnome starting quests.
Beaming out the survivors.

It was also fun to watch a hologram projection of the final events of Operation: Gnomeregan after participating in it on all three of my 80s. It's like "hey, doing those quests made a difference because now the gnomes have this great new city that they're building and growing and protecting."

Another thing I noticed was that the slimes in the Gnomish starting area have faces. They're some where between cute and really "Fern Gully" creepy.

The slimes are kinda scary.

DUAL-BOXING. Blizzard wants me to get a second account. They've discounted the prices for the base game (Vanilla) and both Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King. Instead of paying around $90 for the game (all the way up to Wrath of the Lich King) and the extra $15 a month for the second account I could buy all three (Vanilla, Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King for $20 and then only have to worry about the $15 extra a month for the second account and my social life and nerd status.

I'd really like to try dual-boxing because having a second account would make leveling easier and give me more options for race/calss combos on Shadowsong. Having these ten extra character slots on Shadowsong would also mean that I would be able to experience all the Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor quest and zone changes through questing.

I can see leveling being much nicer if I always have a healing class to keep the dps (or maybe even a tank, gasp!) alive. It would also make dungeon queues easier for my dps characters (not that I have many low level dps toons right now; they've all been abandoned for healers.

I think the biggest cons to getting a second account are macros/extreme multi-tasking and the nerd factor. I'm worried that I will have trouble controlling two characters at once, and a large part of my play style really is how much I connect with my characters personalities. I'm not all that good with macros, and I don't want the whole game to become a large set of macros that make multiple characters do different things. It may force me to learn more about things that I have so far avoided, like tanking and aggro handling, and group dynamics (how different classes work well together or don't). The nerd factor is more about real life and less about the game. I'm already a huge nerd that writes a novel every November, works at Dunkin Donuts, takes nerdy web design art classes online and plays WoW all the time. It really won't help if I decide that not only am I going to play the characters I already have at level, but I'm also going to get a second account so that I can play even more characters at the highest level. Nothing's nerdier than playing WoW, except playing two versions of WoW at the same time.

For now I think I'm going to stick with my one account. I love the characters I have, and I still have seven slots on my server to get to 80 (soon 85). If I come to a point in the future where I have ten level capped characters on Shadowsong, then maybe I'll revisit the idea of a second account and dual-boxing. The recruit-a-friend is still very tempting though.

LEVELING, QUESTING, DEATHWING'S DESTRUCTION AND THE TROLL STARTING AREA. It's getting very near to my bedtime, and I only got to play a couple of hours tonight after getting my homework finished up. However, I look forward to playing more tomorrow and getting a look at more of the world. I'll have more impressions tomorrow night and hopefully they'll be as productive as tonights because up to this point this has added almost two thousand words to my very behind NaNoWriMo word count. My WoW plans for tomorrow include creating a troll of some kind (I'm thinking druid right now, but I'll see what my other options are tomorrow) and exploring the troll starting area and checking out Origrimmar. I won't have nearly as much to say about Org as I did about Stormwind because I am an Alliance player at heart and Org confuses me. I know a bit of my way around, but not like I do Stormwind. I also plan to get in some questing on one of the many characters that I have stuck between the levels of 28 and 80 (my highest non-80 is actually my 45 priest). As well as some exploring (either with one of my leveling characters or with one of my 80s). My shaman has quests from the Hero's Call Board for the Barrens and Stranglethorn Vale (both of which have been changed drastically I know).

Azeroth is a whole new world, and so far, I am loving it. I'm torn between trying to explore and do everything as fast as possible and trying to slow down and pace myself so that there's more new things for me to look forward to in Cataclysm.

I just hope that most everyone else is enjoying the Shattering as much as I am. And I still need to finish my Pilgrim's Bounty stuff because I love how fast it is to level cooking with this holiday.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Bargaining Already?

It's day four of NaNoWriMo, and I am already resorting to bargaining to get myself to do my writing. As of right now I have written 4,540 words. I promised myself that if I made the day three word count goal (5001 words) and did my homework before going bed tonight I would buy myself the Celestial Steed for WoW. I will finally have my sparkle pony. I submitted my homework over an hour ago, and I've been writing pretty steadily since (except for the break I'm taking to write this).

I was directed to this forum thread by a friend and I think that it will be what gets me through NaNoWriMo this year: http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/node/3737543. I've scrolled through the first two pages and owe over 7k words. It's helped me write 1-2k already tonight. Writing 100-200 words at a time definitely makes it more managable.

This thread is also very cool: http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/node/3821427.

EDIT (12/16/2010): I did do the writing and but myself the sparkle pony. My priest rides it everywhere because it looks so cool in shadow form. My warlock chooses to ride her Dreadsteed instead and I haven't played my druid or death knight to see if they'll be riding it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Loremaster Update 01

Gnavie completed the achievement "Loremaster of Northrend" last night.

I also remembered my great disgust for Icecrown. So many group quests. I got my ass kicked several times and I had to pick carefully to avoid as many group quests as I could (because there were so few people willing to help).

Sunday, October 03, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010 Version and Loremaster

The NaNoWriMo website has been reset for 2010. The forums are new (but definitely not neglected, it's only been aday or two and already there are threads everywhere) and everything looks all shiny and pretty. It's almost NaNo time!!

I've decided to attempt the Loremaster achievement on Gnavie. She's completed two zones in Northrend and will work through the rest of Nothrend and all of Outlands before heading back to Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor to finish up the achievement. I will post updates on her progress as I go.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Doodlegazing in Azeroth

I've done a bunch of puttering around WoW today. I played a bit on the warlock I started on the PTR. I also tried to play a little on the copy of Aevelyn that I put on the PTR, but I kept getting booted off and having to relog. That got old pretty fast. I ran a random heroic on Gnavie and ran heroic Halls of Reflection. I really want the Shriveled Heart off hand that drops, but it hasn't dropped for me recently. It was a really smooth run though. I enjoyed healing it. I'd love to get Gnavie healing bigger things, like raids, but I get really nervous about my healing ability. I don't want to put her into an ICC (pretty much all that people run now for raids) and suck horribly. My gear score is also a problem. It's below 5k add on, and very few people will take me into raids with that. And getting badges two a day through randoms is going to take me forever to get any t10 pieces.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Back to WoW

It's been a while since I really played WoW. Night before last, though, I ran 25 ICC on my warlock. I did HM Gunship and got Nibelung. I've also been working Brewfest on my three 80s and today I finished it up and got the title on all three. I spent last night doing some farming ad flask making on my druid. I put the flasks on the AH and made about 350 gold very quickly. I did some more farming and made some more of the flasks that sold well, Endless Rage and Frost Wyrm, and stuck those on the AH as well. Now I'm working on leveling Inscription on my warlock. It's been at 100-something for far too long. I'd like to get it up to 450, so that I can use all the spare Adder's Tongue and Deadnettle lying around my banks and make some money. Also, not having to buy glyphs will save me a bit of money.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Old Spice Commercials

Hopefully everyone has seen this Old Spice commercial.

But before that was awesome, I loved this commercial. It's also for Old Spice.

I really enjoy Old Spice's commercials. I think they're onto something.


Found this site via the NaNoWriMo website and wanted to share it. It's called the Nanolyser. To see what it does the following is a link to my stats from last year. It'll only be there for a couple more days though (until the NaNo site goes down on the 1st): Leviathan's Nanolyser Stats.

Also I am watching/listening to the following video on repeat while writing this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyN7F51g0Rs. I was so excited that they had NPH on Glee.

It Really Is Coming Up Soon

After my post last night about starting to prep for NaNoWriMo 2010 it was surprising to me to get an e-mail today from my regional ML. It reminded everyone in the region that come October 1st, the NaNoWriMo website will be shut down and come back all shiny and new, ready for this year's NaNo. In a little over a week the forums will start to fill with people getting pumped for this year's NaNoWriMo. And I will get even more excited!! And maybe I'll even get a plot or characters or something like that. I know it's not necessary for NaNoWriMo, but it could be fun to try that way for the first time since my first NaNo in 2007.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mentally Preparing Myself for NaNoWriMo 2010

I'm starting my NaNoWriMo preparations early this year (earlier than a week before, like the past two years, though definitely not as early my first year when I had the whole novel planned out before the month began). I am preparing by reading tons and tons. I'm speeding my way through "The Dresden Files" series. I'm on the fourth book right now, Summer Knight, and I started reading them just last week.

I've also re-found this blog today, jimbutcher.livejournal.com/. It's the blog of Jim Butcher, the author of "The Dresden Files." It has a lot of really good information about writing and I like the way he writes (obviously, or I wouldn't be reading "the Dresden Files" and especially not as fast as I'm reading them) it's fun and easy to read. Just reading a couple of his posts has me really pumped to get a plot, characters and for it to be November.

Small off-topic edit: What was I thinking when I decided to try Compose mode instead of doing the HTML myself? Of yeah, it totally worked, but then I looked at the HTML that Blogger had written and almost cried. It was terrible. The problem is now fixed.

Monday, September 20, 2010

YouTube - Straight No Chaser - Tainted Love [Official Video]

I would embed the video if YouTube would let me, but embedding has been turned off. This video is funny and they're very talented.

YouTube - Straight No Chaser - Tainted Love [Official Video]

Fall Cleaning: Like Spring Cleaning, But Better

Been doing a bit of fall cleaning around the blog. Haven't dropped by in a while and took the time tonight to play around with the new (or newish, it's been a while since I've posted) Blogger design tools. Went through and deleted all the comment spam that's been stacking up. There are really nice features for that now too. I got to look through all the comments ever posted and delete all the ones that were spammy and not related. Very fun. I also set it up so that I can blog from my phone and from my browser. So there may be an influx of posted videos and links in the coming days.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Test Post

This is a test post from my phone to my blog. It's a cool concept and maybe I'll post more often this way.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Homework Revised

For my first homework assignment this week I had to pick a favorite design from the ten I made last week and tweak it even further. I chose to work with number two. I made the word "Kingslayer" bigger, so that it is a bigger part piece.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Oh God, I Need Sleep

It's 5am, and I have to be at work at noon. I just finished and submitted a homework assignment that was due last night. I started at 10pm when I got home, and have been working on it since then. I'm not really sure how to explain the assignment because right now even typing and spelling are hard for me. So I'll just put my ten pictures in here and leave it at that.

The small font (verdana 4pt) was not that small when I started. Also, these were all made to be 11 in x 8.5 in. With 300 ppi. So it was bigger in Photoshop. I noticed that the font was starting to get smaller around number 6, but that was around 2am, so I think it's just my eyes.

I chose "The Kingslayer" as my text because it's something I'm working towards in WoW (10/12 since being kicked from Masochist a month ago) and because it has ascenders and descenders and all the letters I needed for the project requirements.

I think I'm going to sleep now.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

On Being Guildless

Last night while my main server was down, my Guild Leader was talking about disbanding the guild because he's been so frustrated with our lack of progression in ICC.

I didn't think anything of it and I was tired so I went to bed.

This morning when I woke up and logged on, I found that everyone of my characters had been kicked from guild.

This wasn't just some random guild for me. I helped pick the name while I was leveling my DK to 80. I've been in the guild since before there was a guild. We've lost some members, and gained some new members. I led the guild for a month and a half while the GL was away and I've run several raids. I've helped people level, helped people gear, helped with hard quests and answered random questions.

Until this morning, when I'm not in it any more. I spent the whole morning thinking that my GL had disbanded to put his 80s in "real" raiding guilds. Then found out a little after noon that the guild hadn't been disbanded. Our guild leader had kicked all the people (their characters) that he felt were keeping him from progressing in ICC.

I guess that makes sense. I mean it's not like I was at the raid every week, knew the fights and never caused trouble in the raid group. OH WAIT. I DID DO THAT. I'm not even a huge fan of raiding, but I was there every week with my 3k (WH) gearscore warlock, ready to flask up and take down some shit. Two of the others he kicked were also raiders that were there every week and did their jobs.

So I'm pissed because as much as I loved that guild and those people. I feel betrayed by them. The people left in the guild (who seem to be the people that still need the most help raiding) are under the impression that it's our fault we got kicked and that we had bad attitudes for feeling betrayed and pissed off.

I spent an hour or so flying loops around stupid Icecrown (the zone), which I hate) to farm the herbs for flasks. Because on top of everything, I had a ton of herbalism and alchemy shit in the guild bank. They can keep it, I'm fine thanks.

Me, and four others that got kicked today are now the proud owners of our very own leveling and raiding guild, and a vent too. A place where we can still hang out and talk (because these are people I talk with every night). We're gonna recruit a bunch of people to join us. All of us love helping people level and learn the game. And we're going to start raiding from the beginning. Yeah, we're in mostly ICC gear, but we're going to get enough (interested) 80s and start running Naxx every week. Then Ulduar, then ToC, then ICC, ToGC and Ruby Sanctum (when it's out). Because raiding is more than knowing how to do your own job, it's knowing how to work with the people in your group. So we want to work on getting a full group (gearing some people up if necessary) and learning to work in that group. Til we can do that we'll find pugs for ICC to get the badges (and some more experience).

Saturday, June 05, 2010

I'm A Dork and I Get Bored Sometimes

I'm A Dork. My druid has finally made it to level 80. I was so excited when she dinged last week, but then didn't get to play her at all over the weekend after. She's still wearing pretty shitty gear, but I think I'm doing okay as a healer. It's my first non-dps toon to make it to 80 (and my 3rd 80 total). I've healed all the lvl 70-80 instances (except for Halls of Reflection) on regular, and I've done all but three of them on heroic. I also healed the weekly (Razorscale) which was my first 10-man healed on the live servers. I know I need to spam run a bunch of heroics and get all the triumph gear I can get so that I can be in ICC soon, but I've been doing a bunch of dailies (and some TLPD camping). I'm only 1400 gold away from epic flying which would make dailies a lot faster. Also she's a flower picker and alchemist so it would make farming herbs faster too.

I Get Bored Sometimes. When I get bored I like to learn new things. The new thing I've decided to learn with this patch of boredom is ho to write shorthand. I've looked at a couple sites for shorthand and the one I've found with the most (and best) information is Pitman For Geeks. There is a lot of information there, but it's organized very well. The site is well written, and funny as well. For now I struggle through sounding out and using the write symbols for everyword (and putting the symbols in the right place is a little bit crazy). But I pick up codes fairly well and I've already started to remember a bunch of the consonants. It's going to be the many different vowel sounds and not spelling things "correctly" that will be the hardest for me. However, the idea of being able to write very quickly and concisely is a huge plus for me, at work and when doing crazy things like NaNo (and especially trying to fit in some NaNo writing on my break at work). 100+ words per minute? Yes Please!

If I ever get a new pen for my tablet I'll post some pictures of my shorthand, for now though it's probably best kept hidden in notebooks because I may be doing it so wrong that it could offend people.

On two other notes I think I may be getting an ear infection (I haven't had one since I was a kid) and Adobe CS5 (Photoshop in particular) looks super sexy. Erin showed me the following video yesterday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH0aEp1oDOI. It almost looks like easy mode for Photoshop, but I can see where using that tool and then tweaking that area even further will be really awesome.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Would I Be Any Place But Behind?

I am behind on my Script frenzy script. This is neither surprising nor troubling for me. I should have 15-20 pages by now. I have 4.

I'e been trying to balance writing and WoW playing and apparently I'm not doing too well at it. I've been spending time on WoW, because our guild's going through a bit of a change and I don't want to miss out on anything.

Eventually though, I will get some writing done and hopefully once I get out of the first part where the story is introduced it'll get easier.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Quick WoW Note

Aevelyn, my lovely destro lock hit 80 on January 30, 2010. I switched her to affliction to get better dps out of her, but with 3.3.3 she was able to go back to destro. She's not really amazingly geared, but she's been into ICC a couple times and can run any other raid that I feel like.

My DK,name-changed from Cylana to Melaenah, has been doing a lot of nothing. I got on her last week for the first time in a while and took a long look at her gear. Yeesh. It's not pretty. And I had thought she was well geared. It's going to take a lot of work and learning to get her back to being able to run raids. She's still a hundred or two points over hit cap.

Gnavie is my druid. I finally logged onto her again and switched her back to healing. Once I was able to get into groups for stuff other than the Orange Crystals side of Mara healing got a lot easier for me. I'm actually pretty good at it, but it scares me to think about trying to heal a heroic or a 10 or 25-man. She's 56 now and I was so excited to get tree form.

Erylie (name changed to Aerialynn) is my newest time drain. She's a level 21 gnome mage. I really like playing her, and she's easy to level (when I don't get called onto Aevelyn) because she's got three pieces of heirloom gear (chest, shoulders and a trinket). I've got a frost leveling spec for her and she holds her own in groups. Slow fall is a lot of fun. I've also been leveling professions as she goes which is considerably faster, easier and cheaper than leveling them at 80. She's tailoring and enchanting so that she'll be able to make herself some lvl 200 epics at 80 and get into the que for heroics. All I have to do is get her to 80.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Script Frenzy Has Begun!

I haven't written anything except a transition and a scene heading, but Script Frenzy has begun! I'll confess that I have no idea what I'll be writing except that it will be Psych fanfic. I've been so immersed in watching Psych the past few weeks that there's no way it could be anything else. I also have a page of detailed notes on my desk in front of my monitor that I took while reading the "Introduction to TV Scripts" and "TV Script Formatting Overview" in the Script Frenzy Writer's Resources. So I am prepared with the knowledge of how to write a script, just not a plot. I think I picked the right show to write with no plot for though, because I can just write any ridiculous thing that comes to mind until I actually have an idea.

I have to be at work a noon tomorrow, but I'm going to put up my Script Frenzy participant image on the side and try to knock out a page or so before calling it a night. If nothing else, it's a lot of fun watching my newly-painted red nails on the keyboard.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Script Frenzy: I Didn't Suffer Enough Last Year

This won't be a long, or very well formatted post because I'm on my phone and apparently all the editing it does when I text is not something that carries over to using safari. Also, it won't turn on its side so that the buttons are bigger.

Anyway, I remebered last night that Script Frenzy is in April, and decided that I would give it a try once again. There should be a link on the side to the site, but I'll throw one into this post when I get out of work.


I really have no idea what I'll be doing for my script, but I've been watching a lot of Psych, so I'll probably end up to a Psych fanfic in script form. Erin is planning on trying SF with me, so I'll be familiarizing myself with Celtx tonight and tomorrow to be ready for he first.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Aevelyn Is Leveling

This is the first of probably many very geeky posts here. Not that most of my posts aren't geeky anyway.

Aevelyn is the first character I made on my real WoW account. I made others on the trial, but Aevelyn is the one I leveled to 56 to open up Death Knights. Since then I had abandoned Aevelyn to play my plate-wearing damage taking DK. Now that my DK is 80 and pretty well geared and runs heroics I've turned to my other characters and started leveling Aevelyn again. Now she's at 64, almost half way to 65 and I'm loving playing her again. She's a destro warlock and I'm actually getting good at remembering to mana up and doing damage with her. I like using the felhunter to level, though the voidwalker is nice too. I'm in Nagrand, and it's interesting because i never came through here while leveling my death knight.

Well, back to leveling for a bit. I have to go to bed soon because I have to work at noon and that's early for me.

Monday, January 04, 2010

The First Post of 2010

It's 2010 and so much has happened since I last posted here, and yet there's not much about those months that I feel like sharing. There is some though, so here it goes.

I won NaNoWriMo for the third time in November. I updated the side bar to have the 2009 winner banner. I had to write 14k on the last day to win it, but I did do it.

I am still very much a fan of Heroes, Star Trek and Zachary Quinto. I'm very excited for tonight's new episodes of Heroes.

I tried to go to sleep an hour ago, but couldn't. I've been wanting to get back to blogging, and writing in general, so now I'm on the couch with my netbook watching The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. I had forgotten how much I love these movies. I clearly remember my obsession with everything related to them, but I'm glad that even now that the obsession has passed they are still entertaining to me. I'll decide once I've finished this one if I want to move onto the next movie or actually go to bed.

The princess of the house (Powder cat) is trying to decided where she wants to be laying.

I've been working, but for the most part I've been playing a lot of WoW. If I continue to blog more I plan to make tags for each of the characters I play the most, so that I can write on here about the progress I make with them. Not many people in the real world care to hear about them and my guildies don't care because their not all 80 and completely geared. I love my guildies, but the game is more about knowing your character than having the best gear and being a flawless raider. And on top of that, it is a game and I enjoy leveling and playing each character at my whim, not forcing myself to grind to get to the endgame content, especially when the endgame moves so often.

I think that's it for now. Powder has settled on the back of the couch by my head and Aragorn has just been introduced to the story as Strider, the Ranger. Good night!