Wednesday, February 04, 2009

No Writing, But Yes Reading!

Haven't done any more writing (I suppose I'll do a little before I go to bed), but I have done a bunch of reading. Tonight was another night of going through post after post of blog about design, web design, fonts, logos, creativity, work spaces and more. I also watched The X-Files 2: I Want To Believe. I liked, but I may need to watch it again (with out my laptop) so that I actually know what's going on. And maybe it would make a bit more sense if I stopped procrastinating and just watched the rest of season 9 already.

So, yeah. That's my life for now. I'm starting a short Photoshop class and a short Illustrator class on Thursday (I'm taking them, not teaching them). I'm fairly solid with Photoshop (I use it all the time), but the classes are free and I might as well take it to brush up on the less icon and wallpaper oriented features and to learn how to use some of the ones I don't know about. Illustrator I'm less good with (and by that I mean quite terrible). I took a Photoshop/Illustrator class at Champlain my first semester, but I didn't like Illustrator and my teacher didn't really show us the cool things that could be done with it. I've seen some great vector work now and delved more into typography, so I'm more excited about understanding how it works and being able to use it proficiently. The thing I found most frustrating about Illustrator when I first starting learning it was how similar it was to Photoshop and also how different. It's just different enough that it gets me all confused and messed up.

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