I managed to knock my summerwrite story down to 44 pages. I'e just finished printing it and I need to go through and put page numbers in. I forgot to but them on before printing, so I'll just write them on. I skimmed itas I went through and fixed all the indents. And oh man! Why did I stop writing this. All the characters are likeable. They're all different and have stories. There's a plot and sub plots. There's character growth and change and introspection. There's a setting and the word usage is good. They speak more formally, but it's very consistent. I even remember the twist I was planning. I stopped writing just after introducing a character that's been living in the same manor, but has never been actually met because he doesn't leave his room. He walks in and goes. "I need to talk to you." And my character is like, "who are you?" And he goes, "I'm Quinn, and I need to talk to you." And I'm like, "damn girl, you did good." So i probably stopped because I have no idea why Quinn needs to talk to Jasper. I still know how I want it to end, but there is a lot of build up that needs to happen, not only with my main characters, but also with all the people in the country thing they life in. 'Cuz there's gotta be some kind of social uprising for the twist to work right.
Oh man. I've totally used that phrase three times now in this post and title. It's still applicable. I'm going to read some (most likely all) of this story (I have no willpower, so stopping myself probably won't happen). Before I do I'll start a load of laundry because I leave for Vermont tomorrow and I need clean clothes to pack for the trip. I'm going to visit all my college friends that I miss very much and I'm super excited.