Sunday, January 06, 2008

Supernatural Friday Five, my blogging fall back

When I have no idea what to blog about I can do the Supernatural Friday Five. That's genius!

Theme: Questions related to aspects/actors of Supernatural.

1.) Of the gag reels from season 1 and season 2 (if you still haven't seen them, you can find them on youtube), which scene was the most memorable to you? Why?
I like the part in the season 2 gag reel that is from the episode "Heart". In the scene Dean is supposed to be working with the gun as he says his lines, then Sam is supposed to open a beer bottle as he says his. In the gag reel Jensen is having problems with the gun and Jared is bugging him about getting it right. Then when it's Jared's turn he can't open the beer bottle. I like this scene because I think it shows how their chemistry is real and how they kind of act like brothers in real life. I think the fact that they are friends makes the show even better than if they just worked together and barely tolerated each other, or something like that.

2.) Of all the other TV shows and/or movies Jared and Jensen have done, which is your favorite? Why?
Jensen - Dark Angel. I like the character. And I like the premise of the show.
Jared - Gilmore Girls. It's the only thing I've seen him in other than Supernatural and Cheaper By The Dozen. I actually liked Jared as Dean in Gilmore Girls.

3.) How do you feel about fans writing fan fiction (of any rating) that feature Jared and Jensen?
I think real-person fiction is weird. I like fanfiction because the characters are just characters and writers can do whatever they want with them (as long as they stay in character). I don't like real-person fiction because they really are REAL PEOPLE. I wouldn't want some one writing stories about me, especially not slash or hurt/comfort.

4.) What are your feelings about the music on Supernatural? Has it opened your eyes to an entirely new kind of music? Do you suddenly love classic rock? Or is it the classical episodic compositions (by Christopher Lennertz and the like) that have affected you? Or has the music not affected you at all?
I love the classic rock. It always amuses me when my iPod (named "Metallipod") or my laptop (named "Leviathan") are on random and switch from something like Kelly Clarkson or JoJo to Foreigner, Kansas or Blue Oyster Cult. This show has opened me up to a new kind of music.

5.) If Supernatural were ever to become popular with the mainstream media (sort of like Grey's Anatomy or CSI is today), how do you think our show would affect the media and potential new viewers? What would you hope potential new viewers consider about Supernatural before and after watching it?
I don't know how it would affect the media. I hope that potential new viewers would try to understand that underneath the demon and ghost hunting and all the supernatural aspects of the show, that "Supernatural" is really about family. Family and the relationships between father and son and between brothers.

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