Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Prompted Writing

This is the first post of March. Woohoo!! A new month. I'd seen this prompt before and not wanted to do it, but tonight I think I'll give it a try.

Here's a 90 second drill: List items you can find in an airport. When the 90 seconds are up, write a story that includes all the words in your list. Set your story anywhere except near or in an airport.

Moving walkways
Information desks
People meeting up with relatives/friends
Arrival/depature boards
Fast food restaurants
Sovenier shops/Gift shops

I can't even remember the last time I went to a baseball game with friends. I'm not sure who's playing tonight either, not that I care. I'm here meet up with my friends. We've al been so busy with college and jobs that we haven't had much time to spend with each other. This was Kara's way to get us all together again. All four of us: Kara, Lisa, Ali, and I, are all meeting here, we're going to see the game and then go and get dinner so we can talk.

This place is busy, I guess that makes sense. Alot of people really like baseball. I keep looking at the numerous clocks to check the time. I've counted 6 clocks just in this one lobby-like area. They must want people to be able to know how long they have to get food and stuff from indoor fast food places here. There are people all around me selling soveniers and programs. I keep having to move so that I don't get trampled. And they're are mothers and their children all over the place. Probably come to see their first games. All the parents have backpacks stuffed, most likely with entertain for their kids. They all look like they're moving in with luggage and the likes.

I bet this room is huge when it's empty, but right now it's crowded and bustling. People pushing everywhere. It's nearly impossible to get somewhere without knocking someone over. I wish I had a map. Maybe the people at the information kiosk, shouting out the length of time until the game, know where I could get a map around all these frenzied people. It would be safer and possibly faster if there were moving walkways in here. Those things are cool. All you have to do is stand on them. That way we would have to move around people, just wait our turn. I guess that would be hard too.

I peeked in the field to see if Kara, Lisa and Ali are in there and the scoreboard was lit up like an arrival/departure board. Last minute checks or something.

I spin when someone taps my shoulder to see Kara smiling at me.


*the end*

In completely unrelated news...
The Mastercard 'Priceless' commercial with Richard Dean Anderson is now in the regular comercial rotation(at least where I am).

I will try to write more. I miss my blog when I don't post enough. And I still have that story about seeing a different reflection to finish.

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