Friday, December 07, 2007

Forgive Me, For I Have Sinned

Tonight I did something that I vowed to myself that I would not do ever again.

I looked at Supernatural pictures for upcoming episodes. Spoiler pictures.

This is terrible. Spoilers are like a drug, and I will not relapse. Watching Supernatural is so much more fun when I don't know what's going to happen.

I don't want to know. I don't want to know. I don't want to know. I don't want to know. I want it to be next Thursday right now!!

Forgive me for my weakness. This hiatus is making me go crazy. I hate hiatus's. But I like that they (the CW or the people behind Supernatural, whoever schedules when an episode will play) are stretching out the episodes they have done. I'm hoping that after most shows run out we'll still have one or two episodes and by that time the writer's strike will be concluded.

For now I will continue my mantra: I don't want to know, I don't want to know, I don't want to know, I can haz next Thurzday nao? And I'll get to writing the Concepts paper I need to write, so that I can go to bed (and dream up stories to fit the spoilery pictures I saw).

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I found that my blog is on the nablopomo blogroll on your site.

    Congratulations on your NanoWriMo win. It's amazing to get that purple bar isn't it? It's my first time winning it ant it feels awesome.

    Anyway, I lurve Supernatural and absolutely adore Dean Winchester. do you mind if I added you to my blogroll? Thanks.

    Oh, and I love the blog look. He looks so yummy like that.
