Monday, January 11, 2010

Aevelyn Is Leveling

This is the first of probably many very geeky posts here. Not that most of my posts aren't geeky anyway.

Aevelyn is the first character I made on my real WoW account. I made others on the trial, but Aevelyn is the one I leveled to 56 to open up Death Knights. Since then I had abandoned Aevelyn to play my plate-wearing damage taking DK. Now that my DK is 80 and pretty well geared and runs heroics I've turned to my other characters and started leveling Aevelyn again. Now she's at 64, almost half way to 65 and I'm loving playing her again. She's a destro warlock and I'm actually getting good at remembering to mana up and doing damage with her. I like using the felhunter to level, though the voidwalker is nice too. I'm in Nagrand, and it's interesting because i never came through here while leveling my death knight.

Well, back to leveling for a bit. I have to go to bed soon because I have to work at noon and that's early for me.

Monday, January 04, 2010

The First Post of 2010

It's 2010 and so much has happened since I last posted here, and yet there's not much about those months that I feel like sharing. There is some though, so here it goes.

I won NaNoWriMo for the third time in November. I updated the side bar to have the 2009 winner banner. I had to write 14k on the last day to win it, but I did do it.

I am still very much a fan of Heroes, Star Trek and Zachary Quinto. I'm very excited for tonight's new episodes of Heroes.

I tried to go to sleep an hour ago, but couldn't. I've been wanting to get back to blogging, and writing in general, so now I'm on the couch with my netbook watching The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. I had forgotten how much I love these movies. I clearly remember my obsession with everything related to them, but I'm glad that even now that the obsession has passed they are still entertaining to me. I'll decide once I've finished this one if I want to move onto the next movie or actually go to bed.

The princess of the house (Powder cat) is trying to decided where she wants to be laying.

I've been working, but for the most part I've been playing a lot of WoW. If I continue to blog more I plan to make tags for each of the characters I play the most, so that I can write on here about the progress I make with them. Not many people in the real world care to hear about them and my guildies don't care because their not all 80 and completely geared. I love my guildies, but the game is more about knowing your character than having the best gear and being a flawless raider. And on top of that, it is a game and I enjoy leveling and playing each character at my whim, not forcing myself to grind to get to the endgame content, especially when the endgame moves so often.

I think that's it for now. Powder has settled on the back of the couch by my head and Aragorn has just been introduced to the story as Strider, the Ranger. Good night!