I present to you ("you" meaning anyone other than me that is reading this) my newest desktop picture. Ta da!
Along with this wallpaper (which took me two-three hours to make in Photoshop) I present my newest obsessions: Doctor Who and David Tennant (and Torchwood, but that's not in the wallpaper).
I went on a Doctor Who and Torchwood bender. I watched all of the new!Who, the show that restarted in 2005, and Torchwood in about three and a half weeks. During that time I also went to classes and socialized. It was great fun. I am, at this moment, listening to the Torchwood soundtrack, and have been doing so for the past week or so. Because one of the first things I noticed when I started watching Torchwood was that I really liked the music. I also really like the opening. I'm taking a class called Digital Interactive Design this semester. It's a Flash class. And I would love to be able to make a sequence as cool as the Torchwood opening in Flash.